Begging in Islamabad: Challenges and Solutions for Effective Control


Rana Irfan Rafi

Begging is becoming a serious issue in Pakistan every rest stop, every road jump, and everywhere. Baggers will come in and demand money even if you’re sitting down to eat in a hotel. Even u go mosque for prayer, or you are in travel u can’t hide Ur self from beggars. Situation in federal territory also an alarming situation for the federal government. When you leave your residence, you may encounter several beggars, particularly young girls or old women and men even very small kids. You can no longer flee a scenario like this at night. Beggars have their own begging shifting, which can be observed anywhere in the federal territory Islamabad at any time It looks like that we are living in beggars’ country. If you go to any store to buy goods, while you pick up your wallet to pay you will notice a beggar behind you even try to obtain your wallet from you and demanding to pay itself first then pay for purchase undoubtedly you must pay something himself/herself get rid of it.
From where these beggars appears unknow but you can’t, escape Ur self from them anywhere. Sometimes if you say sorry nothing must give, you can imagine the behavior with you as he is demanding. You feel angry but keep quite without any notice.
We all know there are 99% professional beggars, yet we never dispute with them and instead pay them to get rid of them. So, are we promoting or prohibiting begging in the country? Did we question any bagger if they are eligible for what we pay, which means we are encouraging begging?
Some beggars who are forced into this activity due to poverty, disability, or other circumstances. However, there are also professional beggars who use begging as a means of earning a living. These professional beggars have a well-organized network, and they may even use children or disabled individuals to attract more donations. The impact of begging in Islamabad can be seen in various way. it creates a negative image of the city as a place where poverty and destitution prevail.
Begging can have multiple causes that is People living in poverty may have limited access to basic needs like food, education, health, shelter etc. begging is the last resources for them to survive. People who are unable to find work may turn into begging. disabilities forced to resort to begging as a means of support People who struggle with addiction may resort to begging as a means of obtaining money to support their habit People who are marginalized or excluded from mainstream society may turn to begging as a means of survival.
In some cases, individuals may be forced into begging by criminal organizations or human traffickers.
The impact of begging on the society can be detrimental a cycle of poverty and encourages dependence. Moreover, it also creates a negative image of the country. The presence of beggars on the streets can lead to social disorder, begging can be a form of organized crime. This can lead to an increase in criminal activities such as theft, pickpocketing, and other forms of fraud. Begging can also be a source of disease transmission, as beggars may not have access to proper sanitation and hygiene facilities. This can create health hazards for both beggars and the public begging is generally discouraged in Islam. In Islam, giving charity (zakat) is highly encouraged as a means of helping those in need in a dignified and respectful manner. Begging is not encouraged in Islam, but it is allowed under certain circumstances for those who are genuinely in need. Muslims are encouraged to work hard to earn a livelihood and to give charity in a respectful and dignified manner.
Begging is a global issue, and many countries have struggled with it for years. In Pakistan, the problem of begging is particularly acute, with estimates suggesting that there are more than 1.5 million beggars in the country. According to a survey conducted by the Capital Development Authority (CDA) in 2019, there were an estimated 1,030 beggars in Islamabad.
The survey found that most beggars in Islamabad were women and children, with the majority coming from rural areas of Pakistan. Actual number of beggars in Islamabad may be higher than the official estimates, as many beggars may be undocumented and not captured in official surveys Begging is a complex issue that has significant social, economic, and psychological impacts on both the beggars and the society. The increase in begging in Pakistan is a concerning problem that requires immediate attention and action from the government and the society.
Thing to think that how we can control begging in country specially in capital territory Islamabad. Capital must be totally free from beggars. it’s a big challenge for the federal government to overcome begging in Islamabad.
How the society can play a role to control begging? how law and enforcement can control it? how can NGOs and civil society can play an important role to control.
This phenomenon is increasing day by day due to our negligence although it is very important and alarming situation in Pakistan.
Here are some suggestions, how we can control and decrease the number of beggars in Islamabad.
Government agencies, such as the Capital Development Authority (CDA) can play an important role in controlling begging by enforcing laws and regulations related to begging, providing social services and support to those in need, and creating employment opportunities through economic development initiatives
Civil society organizations, such as community-based organizations, religious groups, and charities, can play a critical role in addressing the root causes of begging by raising awareness about poverty and inequality, providing support to those in need,
Law enforcement agencies, such as the police, can play a critical role in enforcing laws related to begging, cracking down on criminal networks that exploit beggars, and providing protection to vulnerable populations.
NGOs can play a crucial role in providing direct support to those in need, such as through vocational training and education programs, rehabilitation and treatment programs, and support for social safety nets. NGOs can also engage in advocacy and awareness-raising efforts to promote social change and support for policies and programs that address the root causes of begging.
Federal government should take initiative step and engage social organization’s as well as use the law enforcement agencies to free of beggars Islamabad capital.

The writer is associated with SDPI as a project associate; he can be reached at and tweets at @ranaskt11