‘By polls have not started but Imran has started bewailing’


Information Minister Marriyum Aurangzeb has said by polls have not taken place but Imran Khan has started bewailing.
“Threats and abuses are being hurled on election commission daily. Election commission is being targeted by Imran Khan due to foreign funding case in fact”, she said this in a statement issued here Wednesday.
She held that Imran Khan as a Prime Minister (PM) defied the laws, orders and regulations of election commission blatantly. He used to hurl threats at election commission in the past and he is attacking it daily now a days.
Imran Khan and his ministers violated election commission laws publicly while they were in power and they threatened election commission.
PML-N ministers on the other hand tendered resignations in reverence to orders of election commission and for the sake of upholding law. On the other hand there is Imran Niazi and PTI which is still abusing and threatening election commission like what they did during PTI government., They don’t consider themselves subordinate to law.
Imran Khan thinks himself law, she remarked. Imran Khan abuses election commission daily and on the other hand he is filing applications as well, she added.
In defiance of election commission orders Imran Khan launched election campaign in Gilgit-Baltistan, KP and Azad Kashmir polls. Imran Niazi and his ministers were caught red handed while distributing money, announcing development schemes in election campaign..