End domestic violence


Millions of women in Pakistan are reminded everyday that it is an unsafe world for them. However for a lot of women in Pakistan, nothing is more dangerous and violent than the physical and mental torture they suffer within their domestic familial contexts.
Just a day ago, news surfaced of a woman who was electrocuted to death by her husband and his family. In the past six months, nineteen women have been abused to death by their in-laws. At least 192 cases of torture have been reported.
While violent misogyny is ubiquitous around the world, Pakistani patriarchy is horrifyingly embedded within the legal and cultural norms. Domestic violence against women is perhaps the most disturbing, as it stems from family, communal life, and all that a woman holds as familiar.
There have been many attempts to understand and alleviate the victimization of women. However what is missing is a comprehensive strategy to address patriarchy. We speak too often of the sisters, daughters and wives but not enough of the brothers, fathers and husbands who condone this violence; in the name of honour and righteousness.
Despite popular assumptions, violence against women is a classless phenomenon that pervades through all stratas of society. While ignorance, and illiteracy are often cited as reasons for these atrocities, there is something inherently arrogant and aggressive about men’s belief that they are superior, and subsequently ‘own’ the women around them.