The Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) Crime Circle Abbottabad on Thursday has arrested Shahnaz Begum, a fugitive accused of a multi-million rupee fraud under the guise of Hajj and Umrah packages. The arrest was made following a coordinated operation led by Deputy Director FIA Abbottabad, Babar Khan.
The operation was executed by a team comprising Sub-Inspector Tahir Khan, Sub-Inspector Bilal Tanoli, Head Constable Amir Nazir, and FC Nadeem, along with Lady Constables Rimsha Khan and Zoneera Bibi. They conducted a raid that led to the successful arrest of Shahnaz Begum.
Shahnaz Begum, the wife of Muhammad Sajid and a resident of Banda Lal Khan, Mansehra, was wanted in connection with two significant cases filed in 2018 (Case No. 20) and 2017 (Case No. 50). She faces accusations of defrauding individuals of millions of rupees by promising Hajj and Umrah packages that were never delivered. The FIA is currently conducting further investigations into her activities.