Kashmiris in Brussels: AJK’s PM continues his activities


Prime Minister of Azad Kashmir Raja Farooq Haider Khan continued his activities in connection with Kashmir EU Week in Brussels, the European Union Headquarters.
He is precipitating as a chief guest in the week long annual events of Kashmir EU Week arranged by Kashmir Council EU at the European Parliament in Brussels.
Conferences, seminars, workshops, meetings and as well as exhibition are continued as a part of the EU Week in the Belgium’s capital.
The AJK Prime Minister met United Nation Deputy Regional Representatives Paul d’Auchamp in Brussels. During the meeting, which took place in presence of Chairman Kashmir Council EU Mr Ali Raza Syed, former EU’s Ambassador Mr Anthony Crasner and Chairman of Kashmir Global Council Farooq Saddiqui, UN Human Rights Council’s recent report on human rights situation in Indian Held Kashmir (IHK) was discussed.
About a likely visit of UN representative delegation to Azad Kashmir (AJK), the Prime Minister told that if UN’s representatives want to visit AJK, government of Pakistan will permit them for the purpose.
Chairman Kashmir Council EU Ali Raza Syed assured the UN’s office bearers that the council will be in touch with UN’s regional office in Brussels in order to update them regarding latest situation concerning Kashmir issue.
A meeting between AJK Prime Minister Raja Farooq Haider and member EU parliament Dr Sajjad Karim also took place in Brussels. Chairman Kashmir Council EU Ali Raza Syed was also present on the occasion witnessing discussion on latest situation in IHK.
MEP Wajid Khan told the participants of the conference that hearing of human rights committee of the EU parliament on Kashmir issue will be held in January.