PTI founder, Bushra Begum could not be indicted in 190 million pounds financial scam


Judge Nasir Javed Rana of Special Accountability Court of Islamabad has adjourned hearing of Al-Qadir Trust case based on 190 million pounds financial scandal against PTI founder and his wife Bushra Begum till February 27 without proceedings.
Due to it both the accused persons could not be indicted. Both of the accused were present in the court along with their lawyers Usman Gull and Zahir Abbas. Deputy Prosecutor General (DPG) NAB Sardar Muzaffar Abbasi also appeared along with his team.
Former chairman PTI embraced Bushra Bibi in the court room as soon as they came face to face as both of them met each other after two and half weeks in the court. Both the accused were to be indicted . However the lawyers of the accused filed application in the court for providing them copies of the reference.
Upon it the court fixed February 27 for indictment. The PTI founder came on rostrum and said he has to consult dentist for check up. The court remarked doctor is available there in jail too. You can approach him for check up.
Former chairman PTI said 7 months have passed and I have not approached doctor even once during this period. Lest jail doctor should extract my teeth because I have to get check up my teeth in the age of 70 . The court directed give the application and we will issue appropriate order. Upon it Imran Khan requested for his meeting with his wife in addition to check up of teeth.
The court accepted the plea for his meeting with his wife
In his informal chat with the media men in court room, PTI founder said he has written letter to IMF. Today the letter might have gone. This letter has been written for the very reason if loan is provided to country in the prevailing situation then who will repay it. This loan will accelerate the pace of poverty. The loan will continue to swell unless investment comes.
He held first of all political stability be brought in the country.
He observed earlier institutions were destroyed for selection of Nawaz Sharif. Courts, NAB all were annihilated so that Nawaz Sharif could be selected. I was reduced to zero for the sake of Nawaz Sharif. Then rigging was done in the election.
Now commissioner Rawalpindi revelations have come to public. He was lifted and subjected to torture. Now soft ware has been updated. Later barrister Zafar Ali told the former chairman has said IMF program should continue.
Political and economic stability is needed at present to improve national economy.
However former chairman PTI made it clear that he will raise voice for democracy on every platform wherever it is needed to raise.
Barrister Gohar Ali said while talking to media men we have told the court about the reality of open trial. Today it was told to court that media was not allowed to come.
Caretaker government failed in holding transparent and fair election. Election commission failed in issuing result as per form 45.
We had demanded that protection be provided to former commissioner Rawalpindi Liaqat Ali Chatha and his family. What statement was issued by former commissioner , the people have come to know about this fact that what form 47 was issued it was fake.
We will become part of ;parliament and will not leave the field, he reiterated.