Electricity price hike to ‘sabotage’ PM’s industry package


The Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry’s Businessmen Panel (BMP) on Saturday called for devising mechanism at the earliest to implement the government’s announcement of Rs5 per unit reduction in electricity tariff, as the NEPRA continues to jack up power rates under the guise of fuel adjustment charges.
Reacting to recent increase in prices of electricity, BMP Chairman and FPCCI former president Mian Anjum Nisar said that the trade and industry are still in the dark on the mechanism to implement Prime Minister’s cut in power tariff while the NEPRA continues to allow power distribution companies to jack up electricity cost, sabotaging the Prime Minister’s relief package for the industry to cut the cost of production.
“The business community condemned the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) for shifting power distribution companies’ (DISCOs) line losses burden of almost Rs58 billion to the consumers by jacking up the tariff by Rs5.94 per unit on the excuse of Fuel Charges Adjustment (FCA) to be charged through March 2022 electricity bills,” Zahid said in a statement.
Mian Anjum Nisar said that the regulatory authority had earlier increased power tariff by Rs3.09 per unit on account of FCA for Dec 2021 which placed an additional burden of Rs30 billion on the power consumers while more than 8.5 billion units of electricity were used in December last year.