Faiq calls for a ‘grand’ political dialogue to overcome crisis situation


Muhammad Faiq Shah, founder and chairman of the Amun Taraqqi Party once again demanded a grand dialogue between all political forces and stakeholders to end current political and economic chaos.
The ATP chief called the government to introduce extensive electoral reforms to ensure a stronger democracy and empower local governments.
Mr Shah said his party believed in much-needed electoral reforms.
He added holding by-poll sans electoral reforms produced the same results that the public witnessed during the recently held general elections.
We have brought a reform agenda which suggested delegating power at grassroots level.
Faiq said his party wants inclusion of all segments in the decision making process, without it there will be no progress and change in the lives of common people.
He furthermore emphasized social and economic justice, reforms in Thana, political and judicial system.
Mr Shah was chairing a meeting here at the party’ main office on Saturday.
The party leader made it clear that issues cannot be resolved until the provision of public authority and justice.
In this regard, he added, ATP is making vigorous efforts and raising real public’ issues at every forum and before relevant institutions and stakeholders.
He said his party is ready to provide a platform wherein all institutions and segments would be united and make unified decisions and ensure its implementation.
Shah noted Pakistan is faced with numerous challenges at internal and external fronts.
He urged the government and institutions to consider the ATP-designed reforms agenda.
Faiq claimed if our party proposals would be implemented with true spirit, then change can definitely come in the country.
He said his party’s struggle isn’t gaining power and high public offices but our prime objective is to play a role of positive opposition by remaining out of the parliament and taking up all public issues at all forums.
The ATP chief stressed the need for revisiting policies and the National Action Plan after the resurgence of terrorists’ activities in different parts of the country.