KSF distributes relief goods among deserving sportsmen, coaches and ground staff


Pakistan Olympic Association Vice President Fatima Lakhani has said that the precedent set by Karachi Sports Foundation with regard to distribution of relief goods among the financially weak players, coaches and ground staff are not only commendable but also in accordance with the spirit of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) motto which focusses on peace, prosperity and well-being of sportsmen and sports-related personalities the world over.
She was speaking at the ration bags distribution by Karachi Sports Foundation (KSF) at Olympian Islahuddin Dr Shah Hockey Academy here the other day.
Pakistan hockey greats and former Olympian Islahuddin Siddiqui and Sameer Hussain, KSF President Syed Waseem Hashmi, Chairman Asif Azeem, Combaxx Sports GM Zubair Macha, POA Women Commission Secretary Veena Masood, Nargis Rahimtolah, and Mr Faisal Khan from Fruit Nation were also present on the occasion.
“Other financial institutions and sports organizations working in the arena of services to humanity should emulate the example and precedent set by KSF, she said.
Olympian Islahuddin Siddiqui said that KSF has played an exemplary role in distributing ration to deserving sports persons and appealed to well-to-do people to donate generously towards this noble mission by KSF.
Syed Waseem Hashmi said that as many as 500 families have received ration bags during the ongoing campaign by the Syed Foundation in the first phase.
He said that names and identify of financially struggling sportsmen and organizers are maintained with utmost secrecy so that their self-respect is not damaged.
“In the second phase, Eid gift distribution ceremony will take place in the last Ashara (ten days) of the holy month, he added. KSF Chairman Asif Azeem said that with the help of various philanthropists and organizations, efforts are afoot to extend ration distribution services to other parts of the country as well.
Moreover, KSF is also making efforts to extend financial help to jobless sportsmen besides the ration bags, he concluded.