More Baloch leaders meet Asif Zardari, join PPP


The wind of political change is picking up speed in Balochistan as more leaders opted to join Pakistan People’s Party (PPP).
A number of key Baloch political personalities had a meeting with former president and PPP Co-Chairman Asif Ali Zardari and later announced to join the party.
Prominent among those who joined the PPP ranks were former federal minister Sardar Fateh Muhammad Hassani, former provincial ministers Nawabzada Ghazain Marri and Tahir Mahmood.
Coordinator of Balochistan Chief Minister Nawabzada Jamal Raisani, Mir Farid Raisani, Mir Abdullah Raheja, and Mir Allah Bakhsh Rind also joined the PPP. Asif Zardari congratulated the political leaders of Balochistan who joined the PPP.
“Balochistan and the PPP have a historical relationship. The PPP has always fought for the rights of Balochistan,” former president Asif Zardari said. “The PPP is the strongest party in the politics of Balochistan. The PPP will never compromise on its struggle for the rights of the common man of Balochistan,” he vowed.