The Lahore High Court Bahawalpur Bench on Monday allowed protective bail to former Punjab Chief Minister Usman Buzdar in a case pertaining to allegedly transferring 900 kanals of land illegally in Dera Ghazi Khan.
Sources said that the High Court has granted protective bail until June 30 to Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) leader Usman Buzdar and has stopped Anti-Corruption Establishment (ACE) from arresting former CM Punjab till next hearing.
Buzdar invoked the high court bench after a case was registered against PTI leader and former Punjab chief minister Usman Buzdar by the province’s Anti-Corruption Establishment (ACE) for transferring 900 kanals of land “illegally” in Dera Ghazi Khan.
ACE officials said that the case had been registered against the former Punjab chief minister on a report submitted by the deputy commissioner of Dera Ghazi Khan. Last month, PML-N leader Atta Tarar had said that the government would launch a probe against former CM Punjab Usman Buzdar. The PML-N leader insinuated that now we would investigate how much work Buzdar has completed.
Meanwhile, Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz (PML-N) leader Atta Tarar held a press conference and announced that the government will launch a probe against Usman Buzdar. Besides, Imran Khan claimed that Buzdar’s performance is not apparently visible but he has worked very hard.