Daesh sheds blood


Daesh on Friday launched another one of its deadly attacks on the Syrian city of Deir Ezzor, leaving 30 dead including civilians, Syrian government fighters and opposition rebels. The Syrian conflict has raged on for the last six years and is amongst the most prolonged conflicts of the Middle East in terms of its length. In terms of being a human refugee crisis, a human rights disaster, lives lost and infrastructure collapse, it is amongst the most sorrowful of tragedies to have come down on the human race in Iraq and Syria. The world has debated over the possible solutions to this conflict, with both Russia and the United States investing a lot of time and effort to come to a resolution of this conundrum. The United States in the first few years of this conflict had backed the Syrian rebels against Bashar-ul-Assad, the still incumbent Syrian President. However, with the arrival of Russia in the conflict, who had Assad’s back, was a turning point in the whole saga. For a moment, it seemed like it was Afghanistan of 1980s all over again, with both Russia and the US pitted against each other, albeit this time, Russia too operating behind a proxy of its own. However, the US retreated as both Iran and Russia came out all guns blazing in support of Assad.